
Regular and Update Submission Deadline: July 14, 2024 

Graph Challenge contributions should be submitted to the IEEE HPEC conference submission website :

Goal: To provide a well-defined community venue for stimulating research and highlighting innovations in graph analysis software, hardware, algorithms, and systems.

Audience: Any individual or team that seeks to highlight their contributions to graph analysis software, hardware, algorithms, and/or systems.

Regular submissions consist of a full (up to 6-page) IEEE HPEC paper submission describing the work.

Update submissions consists of new updated results to prior accepted work that cites the prior work and describes the updated results.  Updated submissions should use the same template as regular submissions, but are generally less than 6 pages.  If the new results require a full 6-page submission to describe, then they should be submitted as a regular submission.

Steps to creating a submission:

(1) Determine your contributions to graph analysis software, hardware, algorithm, and/or systems that you seek to highlight.

(2) Download the slides, documentation, code, and data sets from

(3) Identify those elements of the IEEE HPEC Graph Challenge that will best highlight your contributions/innovations to graph analysis software, hardware, algorithm, and/or systems.

(4) Implement your contributions/innovations to graph analysis using the elements of the IEEE HPEC Graph Challenge you have identified in (3).

(5) Measure your implementation using the metrics you have selected from the IEEE HPEC Graph Challenge slides and documentation. You may also define and measure additional metrics.

(6) Compare your implementation with the baseline examples you downloaded from

(7) Write up your results as a standard 6-page IEEE HPEC paper submission. This will allow the Graph Challenge panel to fully understand and evaluate your contribution. The submission should follow the standard form of an IEEE HPEC paper with the following elements:
- Abstract. A short summary of the work and results.
- Introduction. Describe the practical graph analysis problems your contribution addresses and include a discussion and citations to how others in the field are addressing similar problems.
- Approach. Describe in technical detail your specific contribution/innovation to graph analysis software, hardware, algorithm, and/or systems.
- Experiments. Describe those elements of the IEEE HPEC Graph Challenge that you selected to best highlight your contributions/innovations. Explain why you selected these elements and how you measured them for your implementation.
- Results. Present tables and/or graphs presenting your measurements on your implementation and how they compare to the baseline implementation available at
- Conclusions. A short summary of the work and potential next steps.
- References. These do not count towards the 6-page limit. A good source of reference material are prior IEEE HPEC conferences.

(8) Submit your write-up to by July 14, 2024. No need to make your travel plans to attend IEEE HPEC because it is all virtual this year.
- The IEEE HPEC Graph Challenge panel will evaluate your submission within approximately 3-4 weeks.
- Correct and complete submissions will be invited to present a talk or poster at IEEE HPEC and/or will have their submission appear in the online proceedings.
- The most noteworthy submissions will be selected for special awards to be presented at the IEEE HPEC awards ceremony.